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Home > Textbook Lists > Japanese for Everyone
This acclaimed language-instruction text is recognized as one of the most user-friendly and effective programs available both for classroom use and self-study.
ISBN-13: 978-4889962345
ISBN-10: 4889962344
61 words
Lesson 1: Show me your passport please
57 words
Lesson 2: Where is there a bank?
65 words
Lesson 3: How long does it take from here to the hotel?
70 words
Lesson 4: It would be better to rest a bit
54 words
Lesson 5: I'd like to have a beer
84 words
Lesson 6: How much is it?
67 words
Lesson 7: Have you ever been to the ward office?
79 words
Lesson 8: Which is quicker, car or train?
98 words
Lesson 9: Let me give you a stamp
71 words
Lesson 10: Welcome!
59 words
Lesson 11: Hello! Is Mr. Kitamura there, please?
47 words
Lesson 12: My name is Michael Webb
58 words
Lesson 13: I'm going to go mail a parcel
59 words
Lesson 14: She said she bought them in Hong Kong
90 words
Lesson 15: Excuse me a moment, I'd like to ask you...
79 words
Lesson 16: Kitamura is not in at the moment
44 words
Lesson 17: I'd like you to go to Osaka
65 words
Lesson 18: Watching TV, listen to the radio, and so forth
61 words
Lesson 19: What is O-bon?
50 words
Lesson 20: Go, Michael! Go!
45 words
Lesson 21: Where do I pay it?
42 words
Lesson 22: You seem to have caught a cold
54 words
Lesson 23: You must get lots of rest
64 words
Lesson 24: We were given a scolding by a policeman
55 words
Lesson 25: I will call at your office
44 words
Lesson 26: Wouldn't it be alright to let Miss Saito choose?
52 words
Lesson 27: Farewell! Mr. and Mrs. Webb!