Looks like the Great Firewall or something like it is preventing you from completely loading www.skritter.com because it is hosted on Google App Engine, which is periodically blocked. Try instead our mirror:


This might also be caused by an internet filter, such as SafeEyes. If you have such a filter installed, try adding appspot.com to the list of allowed domains.

Frequently Asked Questions

This baby is organized into nine sections: What Skritter is about, Vocabulary, Studying, Account/Billing, Progress, Coming Features, Languages, Institutions, and Miscellaneous Questions.

Some of the most common questions include: How do I create a custom list?, How can I configure my Wacom tablet for Skritter?, and Do you have a iPhone/iPad/iPod/Android/mobile version?

What is Skritter about, anyway?

Why should I use Skritter?
What does Skritter teach me?
What doesn't Skritter teach me?
Do I have to write characters with a mouse?
How much does Skritter cost?
Can I study both languages?


I'm a beginner. What should I study?
Why am I not seeing some words I had already studied in my list once?
How can I get more control over which words I practice (scratchpad)?
How can I get Skritter to give me more new vocabulary?
How does word adding work, really?
I am buried under a huge mountain of reviews, but need to learn new words. Help?
How does the Save Me feature affect my scheduling, exactly?
How do I study a specific part of my words (writing, reading, definition tone)?
How do I remove words?
How can I study a subset of my words more intensely?
How do I create a custom list?
What is the difference between a published and non-published list?
Does Skritter support traditional Chinese characters? How many characters does it support?
Which textbooks does Skritter support?
How can I export my Skritter vocabulary?
Will Skritter add duplicate words from multiple lists?
Can I personalize my vocabulary definitions?
Can I make a copy of another list, or modify an existing list's contents (remix)?
How do I import lists/words?
Why am I getting this message about not having enough words in my list?


What are the keyboard shortcuts?
What about handwriting shortcuts?
My Wacom isn't writing well. How can I configure my Wacom tablet for Skritter?
Skritter isn't responding to my touchscreen input. How do I fix this?
How do I study just some words and not all?
Why do I keep seeing words and characters I got right?
How does Skritter choose which items to review?
How can I get the most out of my study time on Skritter?
How exactly do the the grading buttons (in the Flash) and grading indicators (in the prompt) work?
So how does the spaced repetition scheduling work, exactly?
How does it work when I skip items by just pressing next?
Some characters have multiple pronunciations and definitions-- confusing, no?
What's up with the varying tones of 不 and 一?
I don't like hearing wrong syllables when I make mistakes on pinyin prompts-- can you turn that off?
Why is the audio missing or cut off for some words?
How does Skritter handle duplicate words?
How can I see the stroke order animation with Skritter?
Sometimes the review bar isn't exact. What gives?
Why do some characters display differently in different places?
Skritter gives me too many hints. How can I make it more realistic?
What does hidden reading mode do?
Why aren't I being tested on how to write some kanji in certain lists?


How do you bill customers?
How do I change my billing date?
How do I use a coupon code to create a new account?
How do I use email validation to create a new account?
Can I pay with PayPal?
Can I pay with a UnionPay or a Chinese debit card?
I paid for a subscription through iTunes, but my account still isn't active. How can I fix this?
Do you offer family discounts?
I'm having trouble logging in! Can you help?
How do definitions in other source languages (i.e. Chinese-German) work?
I'm going to go on vacation. Can I pause/suspend my account?
I would like to stop using Skritter. How do I delete my account?
How do I unsubscribe from the newsletters?
What happens when my subscription expires?
I've heard I don't need an active account to review my vocabulary. How do I do that?


What's the difference between words and characters?
What exactly do these progress numbers mean, how are they calculated?
How is my retention rate calculated?
The number of items Skritter says I've learned went down. Why?
Why is my progress not showing up, or is showing up on the wrong day?
Why does the Skritter clock not count in real time?

Coming Features

Do you have a iPhone/iPad/iPod/Android/mobile version?
What about Cantonese?
What about Zhuyin Fuhao (bopomofo)?
Can you add the parts of speech to the definitions, please?
Can you put the simplified (or traditional) forms in my prompt, too?
Wouldn't it be great to have audio-only prompts, where you hear the pronunciation and then answer?
Have you thought about adding leaderboards/mini-games/contests/badges/rewards?
Can I practice writing hiragana and katakana, in addition to kanji?
I can't find things; will you make a better search feature?
When can I pick my own set of colors for the tones?
Can I can write an unknown character and have Skritter look it up for me?


How can I read/type characters on Windows?
What about on Mac OS X?
Can I study characters using non-English definitions?
What do I need to know about switching between simplified and traditional?


Part 1: How do I create a list for my students?
Part 2: How do I assign a list to my students?
Part 3: How do I view student progress?
Part 4: How do I generate reports?

Miscellaneous Questions

Why is 着 showing up instead of 著?
What's with the direction of that first stroke in the 火 radical?
What's with the bottom of the 糸 radical?
Why is the middle stroke of the 小 radical straight/hooked?
What should the direction of the first stroke in 匕?
Why only three strokes for 艹?
What's with the proportions on some radicals, like 虍?
Two dots or one for 辻?
Why is the box on the left in 骨-- shouldn't it be on the right? What about 過?
Doesn't Skritter support the character for zero, O?
The stroke order appears wrong for chui2 (垂) or zhong4 radicals (重), what's up?
Some strokes seem tricky to register, what gives?
I'm seeing server errors or slowness. Is there a way for me to check the Skritter server status?
What's this Professor character who shows up when I start typing feedback?

Got a question that wasn't answered here? Just ask us!