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Home > Textbook Lists > Colloquial Chinese
The second edition of the best selling text has been revised and updated to make learning Chinese easier and more enjoyable than ever before. Specially written by an experienced teacher for self-study or class use, the course offers a step-by-step approach to learning day-to-day modern spoken Mandarin Chinese. A list for the first edition is also available.
Written by Kan Quian. Published in 2009 by Routledge. 384 pages. ISBN: 978-0415434157.
24 words
Lesson One: 初次见面 (Vocabulary 1)
15 words
Lesson One: 初次见面 (Vocabulary 2)
17 words
Lesson Two: 姓名,国籍和年龄 (Vocabulary 1)
20 words
Lesson Two: 姓名, 国籍和年龄 (Vocabulary 2)
25 words
Lesson Three: 在公司的聚会上 (Vocabulary 1)
18 words
Lesson Three: 在公司的聚会上 (Vocabulary 2)
22 words
Lesson Four: 问时间 (Vocabulary 1)
22 words
Lesson Four: 问时间 (Vocabulary 2)
22 words
Lesson Five: 家人和朋友 (Vocabulary 1)
27 words
Lesson Five: 家人和朋友 (Vocabulary 2)
4 words
Lesson Five: 家人和朋友 (Vocabulary 3)
16 words
Lesson Six: 日期和天气 (Vocabulary 1)
23 words
Lesson Six: 日期和天气 (Vocabulary 2)
4 words
Lesson Six: 日期和天气 (Vocabulary 3)
50 words
Lesson Seven: 问路 (Vocabulary 1)
23 words
Lesson Eight: 买东西(I) (Vocabulary 1)
20 words
Lesson Eight: 买东西(I) (Vocabulary 2)
6 words
Lesson Eight: 买东西(I) (Vocabulary 3)
23 words
Lesson Nine: 买东西(II)(Vocabulary 1)
22 words
Lesson Nine: 买东西(II)(Vocabulary 2)
20 words
Lesson Ten: 在餐馆 (Vocabulary 1)
20 words
Lesson Ten: 在餐馆 (Vocabulary 2)
4 words
Lesson Ten: 在餐馆 (Vocabulary 3)
15 words
Lesson Eleven: 坐出租车和买火车票 (Vocabulary 1)
16 words
Lesson Eleven: 坐出租车和买火车票 (Vocabulary 2)
2 words
Lesson Eleven: 坐出租车和买火车票 (Vocabulary 3)
11 words
Lesson Twelve: 在饭店 (Vocabulary 1)
16 words
Lesson Twelve: 在饭店 (Vocabulary 2)
15 words
Lesson Thirteen: 打电话 (Vocabulary 1)
18 words
Lesson Thirteen: 打电话 (Vocabulary 2)
17 words
Lesson Fourteen: 社交 (Vocabulary 1)
17 words
Lesson Fourteen: 社交 (Vocabulary 2)
3 words
Lesson Fourteen: 社交 (Vocabulary 3)
30 words
Lesson Fifteen: 给中国朋友写信 (Vocabulary 1)
4 words
Lesson Fifteen: 给中国朋友写信 (Vocabulary 2)
2 words
Useful words from Lesson Eleven
14 words
Useful words from Lesson Twelve