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Home > Textbook Lists > Yong Ho's Intermediate Chinese
This language guide is a continuation of the author's popular Beginner's Chinese. This is the first edition, the vocabulary is very different from the current second edition.
Written Yong Ho. Published in 2004 by Hippocrene Books. 300 pages. ISBN: 978-0781809924.
16 words
0. (Text Directions)
25 words
1. 童年往事 - Childhood
31 words
1. 童年往事 - Childhood (Expected)
26 words
1. 童年往事 - Childhood (Supplementary)
35 words
2. 描述一个人 - Describing a Person
47 words
2. 描述一个人 - Describing a Person (Expected)
41 words
2. 描述一个人 - Describing a Person (Supplementary)
28 words
2. 描述一个人 - Describing a Person (Expected 2)
33 words
3. 推销高手 - Master Salesperson
35 words
3. 推销高手 - Master Salesperson (Expected)
42 words
3. 推销高手 - Master Salesperson (Supplementary)
18 words
3. 推销高手 - Master Salesperson (Expected 2)
32 words
4. 各行各业 - Every Field of Work
39 words
4. 各行各业 - Every Field of Work (Expected)
25 words
4. 各行各业 - Every Field of Work (Supplementary)
21 words
4. 各行各业 - Every Field of Work (Expected 2)
27 words
5. 难题二,三则 - Problem-Solving
22 words
5. 难题二,三则 - Problem-Solving (Expected)
28 words
5. 难题二,三则 - Problem-Solving (Supplementary)
42 words
6. 午餐 - Lunch
26 words
6. 午餐 - Lunch (Expected)
54 words
6. 午餐 - Lunch (Supplementary)
55 words
7. 音乐欣赏 - Music
49 words
7. 音乐欣赏 - Music (Expected)
39 words
7. 音乐欣赏 - Music (Supplementary)
13 words
7. 音乐欣赏 - Music (Expected 2)
22 words
8. 他有罪吗? - Crime
44 words
8. 他有罪吗? - Crime (Expected)
37 words
8. 他有罪吗? - Crime (Supplementary)
16 words
8. 他有罪吗? - Crime (Expected 2)
57 words
9. 爱情 - Love
71 words
9. 爱情 - Love (Expected)
26 words
9. 爱情 - Love (Supplementary)
10 words
9. 爱情 - Love (Expected 2)
80 words
10. 贫民 - Poverty
58 words
10. 贫民 - Poverty (Expected)
27 words
10. 贫民 - Poverty (Supplementary)
23 words
10. 贫民 - Poverty (Expected 2)
45 words
11. 中国文化 - Culture
47 words
11. 中国文化 - Culture (Expected)
24 words
11. 中国文化 - Culture (Supplementary)
21 words
11. 中国文化 - Culture (Expected 2)
36 words
12. 快乐在哪里 - Happiness
51 words
12. 快乐在哪里 - Happiness (Expected)
14 words
12. 快乐在哪里 - Happiness (Supplementary)
15 words
12. 快乐在哪里 - Happiness (Expected 2)
60 words
13. 选举 - Election
61 words
13. 选举 - Election (Expected)
27 words
13. 选举 - Election (Supplementary)
61 words
14. 电影 - Movie
26 words
14. 电影 - Movie (Supplementary)