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Missing component (已经)

zhangyanglu   June 5th, 2011 1:09p.m.

Hi folks,

I studied 已经 from the HSK 2 list, and on the right side, it says:

经 jīng
Scripture - classics; scripture; pass through; to experience; warp; longitudeshared as correction

add char mnemonic (18)

shared纟 mì: *Silk* - silk; thread; trace missing component

Anybody knows what that "missing component" is about?

Best regards.

nick   June 5th, 2011 1:44p.m.

The right-hand part of that character can't be represented with ordinary Unicode (at least, not in the basic multilingual plane), so there is no way (short of adding an image file) to represent it on your computer. So we list it as a "missing component". Sometimes something that is missing a definition or reading will also be listed as a missing component.

zhangyanglu   June 5th, 2011 2:08p.m.

Ok, thanks for clarifying, Nick!

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