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This might also be caused by an internet filter, such as SafeEyes. If you have such a filter installed, try adding appspot.com to the list of allowed domains.

Making the review queue lighter (on a regular basis)

Bohan   February 1st, 2011 11:45p.m.

I almost always bring the number review items I have down to zero everyday, unless I'm very busy or sick.

Sometimes I feel like the number of items I have due is way too high, and that I'm over practicing some stuff (especially when practicing Tones only, and I'm unable to click on "easy").

It sometimes takes me over an hour to get my review queue down to zero. For some people I'm sure that may be perfect, but I don't think it is for me. I have a pretty strong long term memory, so I'd like to adjust my Skritter queue so that it's generally a bit lighter. Sometimes my review queue is so heavy that I'm only able to add new content about once a week on average.

Does anyone else ever feel this way, or am I the only one?

What can I do to my Skritter account to lighten my review queue on a general basis ?

mcfarljw   February 2nd, 2011 1:12a.m.

You could try lowering the "target retention rate" on the study settings page:


Bringing the queue down to zero often times just means your caught up, not ahead. I think you would benefit from bringing the queue down to zero and then continuing to over study for 20-40 minutes for 1-2 days. This will clear many of the simple things you already know out of your queue for a good while.

mcfarljw   February 2nd, 2011 1:17a.m.

Also when I say over study, that means not adding new things even when your queue is at zero.

Be careful with the easy button. You might feel really confident about something, but then a few months or even a year down the road you might regret it.

Bohan   February 2nd, 2011 1:38a.m.

Thanks for the tips.

I'll try that :)

Byzanti   February 2nd, 2011 2:48a.m.

In general I find being strict with yourself will make the queue lighter. If you don't know it mark it red. This way the stuff you do know you can blast through, and wont be pausing all the time.

If you find a problem with a particular word character (eg confusing it with another, not sure on it's usage so can't remember it etc), then make a note, or add an example sentence, or a picture or something to help you with it.

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