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Reordering starred words

breakphreak   January 27th, 2011 3:11a.m.

Hey there and thanks for the tip: http://blog.skritter.com/2011/01/did-you-know-starred-words.html

I've started to use it with 4 words that are (still) a bit confusing to me: 以后 yǐhòu, 时候 shíhou, 以前 yǐqián, 时间 shíjiān. That was the proposed order of the words. However, I'd prefer them to be displayed in a different order, say: 以后 yǐhòu, 以前 yǐqián, 时候 shíhou, 时间 shíjiān. Semantically "before" and "after" should be together, and also the other pair has some stronger connection between the words.

Wouldn't it be nice to have an option to order the list as you like?

nick   January 27th, 2011 7:26a.m.

If you want to strictly control the ordering, you can manually put them into the scratchpad with progress tracking off, and it will go through them in order. To manually manage the ordering with starred words would be a hassle, no?

breakphreak   January 27th, 2011 7:31a.m.

Just to clarify: I was talking about the order in the list, not the order of presentation during the learning process. Simple drag-n-drop or move up/down won't be a hassle imho.

Are we in sync? :)

nick   January 27th, 2011 7:35a.m.

Oh! Then the starred words list is just sorted by date starred. So unstar the words on that page and then restar them in the order you desire, then refresh the page.

breakphreak   January 27th, 2011 7:44a.m.

nice workaround :))) I will do it! thanks

breakphreak   January 27th, 2011 10:15a.m.

PS: Well, it worked but I've got the reversed list.

scott   January 27th, 2011 11:14a.m.

I checked and it looks to be in the right order, in that the latest starred shows up on top, which is what we want. So you'll want to re-star them in the opposite order than you want them to show up.

breakphreak   January 27th, 2011 11:17a.m.

yes, figured it out also, thanks :)

and, above all, thank you for Skitter. at least I am learning (to write) Chinese so far in a ver productive way.

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