Looks like the Great Firewall or something like it is preventing you from completely loading www.skritter.com because it is hosted on Google App Engine, which is periodically blocked. Try instead our mirror:


This might also be caused by an internet filter, such as SafeEyes. If you have such a filter installed, try adding appspot.com to the list of allowed domains.

www.skritter.cn blocked in China?

dert   November 4th, 2010 9:01a.m.

For me, the answer to the topic/question is "yes." For the past 18 or so hours, I've not been able to access either of the Skritter sites from China. I have a VPN so I *can* get through, but I found today that my VPN's sales site is blocked in China, as well. I'm posting here to make sure it's not just me. BTW, recently, IMDB.com was blocked for me.

mcfarljw   November 4th, 2010 9:09a.m.

I haven't had any troubles accessing either of the Skritter domains from China. At the moment I'm not using a VPN.

Byzanti   November 4th, 2010 9:44a.m.

It's working fine here...

wrcooper   November 4th, 2010 9:45a.m.

I've also had trouble recently. I had to use my VPN yesterday, but today it seemed to work fine without the VPN.

FatDragon   November 4th, 2010 10:04a.m.

I noticed the no-go for IMDB yesterday - I suppose it's possible it was just down for a while, though it's a lot easier and more plausible to blame in on the GFW - even when something's not blocked here, the ISP's here often cause strange problems with sites being slow as bugger-all or not working at all. I get momentary lapses with Skritter occasionally, many of which are probably the fault of the ISP or the GFW, but I haven't noticed anything big in the last day or two.

nick   November 4th, 2010 10:24a.m.

I use this service to help test:

For a while now, though, we've had skritter.cn be totally independent of any other domains that might get blocked, as all the traffic is forwarded through an independent server in Hong Kong. So if it gets blocked, I don't know what's up--blocking or ISP issues or what.

dert   November 4th, 2010 10:54p.m.

Today everything is a go. So strange. I did a complete network reboot on my end, so maybe it was something internal, but who knows. Thanks for the feedback.

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