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How is marking a word "so-so" working?

Mandarinboy   February 2nd, 2011 7:48a.m.

I where under the impression that so-so where between known and unknown. Still, in the list I can see that words that i just marked at so-so is scheduled the next time in 13 month. Why? It is a relatively new word that I have had right a few times and it do contain 3 characters, two of them that i have marked as blue when individual and the last as only known usually but this time as so-so. Is the SRS for words based on the combined weight of all the three characters? I guess that I will have the individual character back sooner or is that a wrong assumption?

nick   February 2nd, 2011 3:21p.m.

If you mark one character in a word as so-so, and the other two as too easy, then the average for the word will be correct, and it'll get scheduled as if you'd remembered it. However, the individual character will come up earlier, since that's the only one you had trouble with, and the other two characters will be pushed even further back.

If you want the word itself to get a so-so grade, but still want to use the too easy grade on the other characters, you'll have to click the word-level grading indicator in the prompt to override the aggregate grade for the word.

Mandarinboy   February 3rd, 2011 3:19p.m.

Thanks for that but I still have a problem with the frequency here. I take a very simple word:

皮肤 pífū: skin in 3 months
肤 fū: skin; shallow in 7 months
皮 pí: skin; leather; fur in 8 months

I have a very hard time to get things in to long term memory so here we have a word that i studied some few weeks back and then got right. Now i did get the first part right so that character should be pushed in to the future. The second however slipped my memory so I marked is as not known and it still is 7 months to the next test on it. Can this have anything to do with me over practicing on this before by starring it? I then practice it repeatedly during a few days. Since I did not remember it I need it to come back very soon, not 7 month in to the future.

I would like a feature to force all items that are way in the future to show up earlier. Probably just me that needs this but hey, if you don't ask you can't get it;-)

nick   February 6th, 2011 7:48a.m.

Hmm. The word popup will not be correct if you open it before "submitting" the review by moving to the next word; it won't have the next review date. So you might have seen the "old" review intervals for the individual characters (from before you did the review)? I'm looking at them now and the writing intervals for both the word and the second character are in hours now.

Anything you mark wrong, even if you had known it extremely well before, will be scheduled for a maximum of one week away. If you hadn't known it very well, it'll be much less, of course.

If you study individual sections, it'll be more likely to pull reviews just because you haven't seen them in a long time, even if they're not considered due yet. That would be one way to get some of those items, but then you'd have to do a lot of sections! Studying single lists does this to a lesser extent, but not may not help much.

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