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Exercise Improves Learning And Memory

Mandarinboy   October 31st, 2010 7:04a.m.

Since I am older (in my 40:th) and have had an brain damage (stupid me) I am a slow learner. But, there is hope for us older students as well:


There are in fact several such researches. So, I have tested this on my self for a while. I started with increasing the daily exercising. This actually did help me a lot. Might be that i also listen to Chinese pod when running. So, I have also added a punishment for my self. When I have a bad character session with more than 10 errors / 30 minutes i have to run/walk up and down the 21 floors in the house i live in. Today that have been 4 such runs, yup a bad memory day. This is actually helping in many ways. During the session I can practice my character in my head and i get a lot of blood to the brain so it gets much more active. This is actually helping me a lot. It is never to late to learn anything:-)

Mandarinboy   October 31st, 2010 7:19a.m.

By the way, If any one is up for an fun challenge, have a look at the great wall marathon: http://www.great-wall-marathon.com/Default.aspx
I should have been running that this year but missed it due to unexpected work. Better luck next year.

icecream   October 31st, 2010 8:39a.m.

What kind of brain damage did you have? Your brain is malleable and is able to recover and compensate for a lot.

I agree with your improved blood flow idea.

Mandarinboy   October 31st, 2010 8:53a.m.

First I had a violent crash when parachuting and then i fell down from a building cracking the scull. My short term memory is really bad but the brain is in fact able to recover and use other ways to get the info.

nick   October 31st, 2010 9:06a.m.

Right after I get back from the gym, I am in no shape for Skritter practice! But when I'm exercising, I have more energy the rest of the time, and it's very easy to tell how much energy I have by how well I Skritter.

That Great Wall marathon looks awesome. I can't afford it, but how else would I get anyone to race with me?

mcfarljw   October 31st, 2010 10:31a.m.

I entirely agree with the statement more exercise leads to increased memory. Why not Skritter while exercising? I laughed at the idea at first, but hey, why not?


(The blog nor the image are mine.)

Byzanti   October 31st, 2010 11:22a.m.

I find it almost impossible to do any sort of work when running on a treadmill :p.

Even on the bikes it's pretty hard...

wb   October 31st, 2010 7:40p.m.

I think it's ok to let your mind relax a bit while the body is working...you can't always go 100%

Yagebu   November 2nd, 2010 2:49a.m.

The picture with you on the treadmill mcfarlj made my day. Whatever works I suppose :) But I agree with the original poster that excercise does help general cognition and I see a sharp difference when I excercise regularly and when I don't.

Neil   November 2nd, 2010 5:55a.m.

I think the handwriting on the bike could be hard, but a 5kg dumbell with buttons 1-4 under the fingers and spacebar under the thumb would be good, to be used while on the treadmill and listening to Chinesepod.

wispfrog   November 2nd, 2010 7:42p.m.

I listen to/watch Chinese vocabulary tapes while at the gym. (The 'Learn in Car' ones, I got the videos for them which show you the characters.)

Its good because I don't have the motivation to do either activity on its own. But somehow both is something I can happily spend a few hours a week at.

heruilin   November 16th, 2010 7:09a.m.

Competitive master class Olympic weightlifter here (85kg, 55-59) and RKC certified kettlebell instructor. The brain AND body must both be trained hard and often. JMO ..

nick   November 16th, 2010 9:11a.m.

heruilin, can I email you some questions about lifting?

jww1066   November 16th, 2010 9:59a.m.

@heruilin how many people have been clocked in the head with kettlebells? And how many have died instantly? They look amazingly dangerous.

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